The Bucks Are Super Wack

By MXL on 8/08/2009 02:43:00 AM

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My heart is breaking.

My hometown team, the Milwaukee Bucks, ain't shit. Not that this is a surprise, as they've been wack for quite some time now, it's just that each year I feel that my city is closer to losing it's NBA team. And I just stumbled across an old stat that I'm sure is still valid.

If you care, check it out after the stretch.


Here's a list of the ten most valuable franchises in the NBA, according to

(Click to Enlarge)

And these are the least valuable:

(Click to Enlarge)


See who's DEAD LAST? The Milwaukee fuckin' Bucks. Our bum-ass team is worth less than the damn Bobcats, and they REALLY ain't shit! They're one of the few teams I think we can handle pretty easily.

Nobody wants to play here (except Hakim Warrick), no corporations wanna buy the naming rights to our bum-ass arena, and our old fogey of an owner doesn't wanna sell. To his credit, though, Herb's reason for not selling the team back in '03 was that he wanted to sell to someone committed to keeping the team in the Mil. Gotta love that.

Unfortunately, as the losses continue piling up and the marquee names continue to look right over us, it's probably only a matter of time before the beloved Bucks gallop right on out of Milwaukee.

That's not only fucked up, it also really hurts to say. :(

I'm crying gangsta tears.

1 comments for this post


Gangester tears dude?

Herb needs to retire or die. They're doing it to themselves. The Mavs use to be in the same pit hole as the Bucks before Cuban bought them. What did Cuban do? Opened his pockets, got a new arena built, made Dallas to be an attractive team to play for. If you look at the teams that have great teams, they don't give a fuck about the luxury tax. They'll pay that shit in order to win. Herb has always been to cheap.

Posted on August 10, 2009 at 6:16 PM  

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