Beautiful News: Jackie Guerrido

By MXL on 8/04/2009 12:00:00 PM

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This is Beautiful News, a new series intended to shine a light on some of the prettiest faces on TV news. All because I loves me a sexy, well-spoken woman.

Jackie Guerrido, Weatherperson, Univision

First up is Jackie Guerrido. Now, I don't know if she's well-spoken or not; but as thick as she is, I don't even really care.

(More after the stretch)


Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Guerrido is a 39-year-old mother of two teenagers and is quite possibly the finest weathergirl EVER. (Sorry Hilary Banks, but you've been bumped.) She just might be the baddest newsgirl ever. I guess weather counts as the news.

Granted, she's probably just eye candy and not a real meteorologist, but I'd much rather watch her than Vince Condella, and Vince is my muthafuckin' guy.

Anyway, enjoy:

Damn, I set the bar high, didn't I?

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